Mononodes – Color Shift DCTLS v3 for Davinci Resolve Free Download

Mononodes – Color Shift DCTLS v3 for Davinci Resolve Free Download

Mononodes – Color Shift DCTLS v3 for Davinci Resolve

Not being happy with the native tools like “Color Warper” and “Hue vs Hue”, I developed a tool to shift and manipulate colors in a broad way. I was very inspired by FilmLight’s Baselight “Hue Shift” tool, where you have the option of first shifting hues into neighborly colors and then, in a second step, adding more saturation, changing the brightness or desaturating a specific hue value. It focuses exclusively on 6 main colors and is therefore very reduced and clearly designed. Here is an interesting video about the “Hue Shift” tool in Baselight. Other inspirations were “Capture One” and “Photoshop”.

The pack often includes two DCTLs per category, each based on different mathematical foundations, which leads to slightly different results. “T” stands for Tetra, which I have extended with my own code. The user can choose which DCTL they prefer to apply, depending on which yields the most appealing results for their specific footage. This flexibility allows for greater customization and ensures the best possible outcome for each individual project. All DCTLs can be freely mixed and arranged according to your own liking.

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