Transmitter for Premiere Pro v1.2.0 Free Download

Transmitter for Premiere Pro v1.2.0 Free Download

The Transform effect has a lot of features
Its only downside is the slow animation process…

Animation process

… as opposed to the Motion effect!
It’s fast and visually intuitive

Every item has  the Motion effect and it offers a GREAT UI for animating, but it is not as versatile as the “Transform” effect.

With help from Transmitter you can now combine the advantages of both effects together to drastically speed up your animation workflow in Premiere Pro.

Just animate a clip with the Motion effect and send keyframes to the “Transform” effect, it really is as simple as that!

Effects linked together


  • Send keyframes from “Motion” to “Transform” effect
  • Reset “Motion” with a single click of a button
  • Add Interpolation to your animation
  • Align Anchor Point and Position in “Transform” effect

Adjust clip without effecting animation

Easily adjust clip position, scale and rotation without messing up the animation. It especially comes in handy, when you have to animate a lot of identical objects (e.g. throwing balls, flying birds etc)
Animate one object, duplicate it, offset the timing, and adjust position


Animate horizontal and vertical flips

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