Aescripts rift v1.4.2 Free Download
Some main features Rift provides:
- Move multiple different properties (in & out points, source start, markers, keyframes) independently of each other.
- Affect properties and keyframes before, after or in range of the scrubber location.
- Shift with relative or absolute values.
- Sequence over a specified time using linear, ease in, ease out, ease both. Affect the strength of non linear eases using the expo field.
- Stagger by a given offset.
- Randomize with a range.
- Smart input fields accept values such as: 1s, 1f, 1m, 1h, 1ms and converts accordingly. Default unit is seconds.
Thanks to Gerald Mark Soto and Paul Slemmer for feedback. Please don’t hesitate to suggest new features.
After Effects | CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5, CS4 |
1.4.2 (Current version) – Dec 27, 2013
Bug Fixes