GL Signature LUTs v2 Free Download

GL Signature LUTs v2 Free Download

GL Signature LUTs v2

Signature LUTs are lookup tables that are used in color grading to apply specific color transformations or “looks” to digital images or videos. LUT stands for “Lookup Table,” and it essentially maps input colors to output colors, allowing for precise control over the color grading process


After so many years traveling and filming, I created these 8 filters to help me quickly and efficiently colorize all the material for every project I’ve ever shot. In different environments and scenarios.

It doesn’t matter which camera you shoot with, whether it’s Sony, Canon or your cell phone. These luts will work in any situation.

It includes a tutorial on how to apply my colors with Premiere Pro and Davinci Resolve.

It doesn’t matter if you’re advanced or beginner, these luts will help you find your own style and take your videos to the next level.

With the purchase of digital products, 5% of the proceeds go to the Street Angels Foundation of the city of Concordia, which is in charge of helping to improve the reality of those who need it most.

One-Click LUT’s: 3 Luts worked to work with a single click, the same one I use for my Youtube vlogs. Specialized and delicately worked for Gopro, Sony S-Log and Canon C-Log

It also comes with 4 luts created especially for cell phones. The same ones I use to color my Reels and Instagram stories.

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