Chaos V-Ray 6 for Maya update 2.2 Free Download

Chaos V-Ray 6 for Maya update 2.2 Free Download

New Features


  • Maya 2025 support
  • Allow selection of USD provider in V-Ray standalone
  • Added support for 0.23.11 USD for V-Ray standalone


  • Support for MaterialX Stack
  • Added support for color space correction of image nodes
  • Added  AdobeRGB and Display P3 color space support for image node

MaterialX, V-Ray GPU

  • Extended initial support for MaterialX nodes on GPU

Chaos Scatter

  • Added support for Altitude
  • Added support for Camera Clipping
  • Added support for Planar mapping

Chaos Vantage

  • Render Animation with Chaos Vantage
  • Added Vantage Live-Link Settings
  • Added Cancel Vantage Live-Link option


  • Add Phase Function to Environment Fog


  • Added support for crease weights

Modified Features


  • Add support for procedural textures
  • Add support for colorcorrect and randomcolor nodes
  • Allow negative colors for all textures in MaterialX
  • Add closest filtertype support for image node
  • Add support for Pivot and Scale in place2d node
  • Add fileprefix attribute support


  • Add MEL command for average Total value

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed low Dynamic memory limit in old scenes
  • Fixed IPR crash when adding lights to scenes with specific Cosmos assets and VRayLightMix


  • Fixed matte properties not working on some V-Ray materials
  • Fixed one-sided geometry not rendering
  • Fixed disabling Visibility Options not working

Chaos Vantage

  • Fixed a freeze when Vantage Live Link cannot find a suitable GPU device


  • Fixed SSS scale
  • Use degrees instead of radians for the place2d rotation values
  • Fixed rendering of Academy software materials
  • Wrong gamma applied to MaterialX image node


  • Retain material connection when duplicating geometry from USD stage to Maya Data


  • Fixed artefacts and slowdowns in some scenes with VRayHairNext


  • Fixed IPR crash with proxy inside a .vrscene loaded in Geometry mode in Maya


  • Fixed Rotation Texture in VRayTriplanar not exporting connected nodes

V-Ray 6, update 2.1

Official release
Date – Mar 27, 2024
Build 6.20.01

New features


  • Added support for VRaySubdivisions as geometry attributes;
  • Added support for custom camera plugin

Modified features


  • Added support for MayaUSD 0.27.0 for Maya 2024
  • Reworked displacement and subdivision export to USD


  • Add support for textures with alpha

Bug fixes


  • Fixed “Export Materials to USD” tool exporting empty shading groups
  • Fixed incorrect UV mapping when exporting materials to USD
  • Fixed Maya failing to render USD materials and proxy on macOS
  • Fixed default file asset resolution not working in certain cases
  • Fixed resolving asset tags in USD in Maya 2022 and Maya 2023
  • Fixed export of Subdivision and Displacement when “Merge Transform and Shape Nodes” is enabled
  • Fixed crash with USD Export All if VFB is not initialized
  • Fixed crash when material in USD stage is deleted while IPR is running
  • Fixed export of animation settings
  • Fixed export of initialShadingGroup when exporting animation
  • Fixed discrepancy between rendering V-Ray subdivisions in Standalone and in Maya


  • Fixed crash with MaterialX in Standalone on Linux


  • Fixed crash when connecting texture to non-texturable VRayColorCorrection attribute

Volume Grid, Environment Fog

  • Incorrect shading of backfacing geometry in scenes with Phoenix Simulator, V-Ray Volume Grid or Environment Fog

V-Ray 6, update 2

Official release

Date – Feb 15, 2024

Build 6.20.00

New features


  • Support for rendering MaterialX shaders in USD stages
  • New VRayMaterialX node for loading mtlx files
  • Tool for exporting VRayMaterials to MaterialX
  • Support for rendering V-Ray materials exported to mtlx


  • Initial support for LookdevX
  • Support for V-Ray materials and nodes in LookdevX
  • IPR support for edits in LookdevX


  • New Hydra-compatible USD implementation
  • Initial IPR support for USD
  • USD support in Chaos Cloud
  • Support for USD in V-Ray Standalone

Chaos Scatter

  • Support for Areas Include and Exclude lists
  • Support for Edge Trimming
  • Support for scattering Lights
  • Support for instancing entire groups
  • Tool for converting Chaos Scatter instances to Maya geometry
  • Option for Axis for Transformation Step and Map

Shadow Selects

  • Add Direct Diffuse and Direct Specular shadow select render elements
  • Add a Matte objects only option for Direct diffuse shadows


  • VRayDecal cylindrical projection with viewport representation


  • Introduce Adaptivity clamp to avoid high sampling in overexposed regions of the image


  • Use System Memory mode for texture loading
  • Direct Diffuse and Direct Specular shadow select render elements support
  • Support for VRayEnmesh
  • Support for Image planes
  • Add support for Raw render elements in V-Ray GPU

Modified Features


  • Export to USD has been updated to be Hydra-compatible
  • Exporting UV sets to USD will now preserve set names
  • Support for MayaUSD 0.26.0 for Maya 2024
  • Droped support for MayaUSD versions lower than 0.16
  • Optimise USD export file size when one texture node is mapped to multiple input slots
  • Improved geometry compilation for instanced USD

VRayProxy, Viewport 2.0

  • Improved memory consumption of a VRayProxy for preview


  • Improved memory consumption for smooth normals calculation during alembic load
  • Ability to assign material directly to the proxy without changing all material overrides one by one


  • Added VRayNormalMap for more control over bump map parameters
  • Improved geometry compilation speed for subdivision surface objects on high core count machines
  • Rename “Hidden Lights” option to “Export hidden lights” in render settings
  • Rename VRayLightSelect render element Material label to “Emissive material”
  • Fixed cases of incorrect character encoding in installer console output;
  • Redesigned the V-Ray Textures, Volumetrics and Utility nodes icons
  • Remove the Prepass Samples attribute in render settings
  • Always export scene_name for cameras in vrscene
  • Objects with attached volumetrics are not rendered correctly when the camera is inside them
  • Improved bump sampling method that eliminates artifacts with procedural textures

Chaos Scatter

  • New viewport visualization enhancements
  • Viewport visualization of transform randomization maps
  • Viewport visualization of target density maps
  • Move the Instance Count Limit to System


  • Added option to flip UVs for randomization

Material importer

  • Added native import for VRayCarPaint2

Path Guiding

  • Updated path guiding support
  • Progressive path guiding training during light cache build;
  • Added support for scanned materials


  • Added button to select the Denoiser render element in Outliner
  • Add a link in the VFB History panel for enabling it

V-Ray Standalone

  • Print error and exit when a non-existing camera name is passed


  • Cache bitmaps between frames when rendering animation
  • Added support for rendering Particle colors based on input channels
  • Fixed slow aborting of rendering while uploading bitmaps
  • Updated the minimum driver version for CUDA 12 and added a warning print


  • Added Affect atmopherics and Atmopheric Contribution options

Light Select

  • Add support for LPE light labels


  • Add a directional strength parameter


  • Added negative axis projection


  • VRayMtl SSS is written in Refraction render element

Bug Fixes


  • Export Dome lights textures with arbitrary node graphs
  • SettingsVFB not exported to USD
  • IPR support for animation


  • Fixed aur caches simulated on Windows randomly not rendering correctly with Linux distributed rendering
  • Fixed random 1KB cache export on Linux


  • Certain channels should be always 32-bit
  • Specific frames rendering black in V-Ray Standalone
  • Fixed slow progress printing in some cases
  • BitmapBuffer reported black as invalid color
  • Maya 2024.2 crash with VRayGeoSun animated
  • Crash when changing Diffuse Color option in Hypershade during swatch update
  • Shadow Catcher is not affected by Camera’s Image Plane
  • VRay Bercon Noise value parameters cannot be animated
  • Flake scale in VRayStochasticFlakesMtl loses texture connections
  • Particle Shader does not get updated with V-Ray IPR GPU in Maya when changing the current timeline frame

Chaos Scatter, VRayProxy

  • Scatter not showing in the viewport when using alembic proxy

Material Importer

  • VRayDirt radius multiplier wrong import


  • Progress tasks don’t get cleared in the VFB progress bar after finishing


  • Fixed “overbright or invalid color” warnings with light meshes


  • Changing the Textured channel option causes a “qualityMenu not found” mel
  • Some connections to materials are not exported


  • IPR is rendering slower than production rendering with the Progressive image sampler
  • “Abort rendering on missing assets” does not work correctly for UDIM on GPU
  • Crash when scenes containing Image sequences and V-Ray Sky are rendered with CUDA and then RTX engine
  • Select object and Pick object material functionality in VFB is broken with V-Ray GPU IPR
  • Environment Background multiplier does not affect the Sky Clouds
  • GPU rendering performance is slower when some of the VRam is occupied
  • Render freeze when rendering animated object with RTX, motion blur and V-Ray Denoiser
  • VRaySphere is not rendered with RTX
  • Rendering stucks when using the Bucket image sampler and Textured render mask
  • VRayProxy with assigned Multi/Sub-Object material in V-Ray GPU has incorrect shading with material override
  • rhel8: V-Ray denoiser OpenCL sporadic initialization failure
  • Parsing version 470.161.03 failed
  • VRayClipper does not have correct material IDs when rendering with V-Ray GPU
  • Bump mapping differs comparing small objects between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
  • Bump mapping doesn’t work correctly on a plane
  • MultiMatteID is not propagated through nested materials

Viewport 2.0, VRayBlendMtl, VRayMtlWrapper, VRaySwitchMtl

  • The viewport color attribute does not work in Blend and Switch materials


  • Environment Fog is missing from Light Select AOV if the fog is textured


  • Crash to desktop with specific alembic in V-Ray Proxy


  • VRayLightRect viewport preview is inverted when a texture is used

VRayProxy, Cryptomatte

  • Cryptomatte’s VRay user attribute ID type does not work with alembics in VRayProxy


  • Wrong VRaySphereFade in IPR with Dome Spherical ON

Viewport 2.0

  • Unnecessary shader fragment debug info written to a file
  • Light-caused edge artefacts in the viewport preview of a spherical mesh with VRayMtl

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Difference between IPR and Production rendering with distance text/bercon noise in Chaos Scatter
  • Disclaimer: Differences in export and render to USD – the old behaviour can be temporarily re-enabled with VRAY_USD_HYDRA_TRANSLATOR=0 environment variable
  • IPR crash when switching between materials in VRayMaterialX

V-Ray 6, update 1.1

Official release

Date – Sep 28, 2023

Build 6.10.01

New features

Chaos Cosmos

  • “Check for missing Cosmos assets” tool to automatically download and resolve missing assets

Modified features


  • Updated tooltips in the GI tab of the render settings

Bug fixes


  • Fixed objects having wrong transformations at random
  • Fixed No lights in the scene warning appearing incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where OCIO color spaces are not applied to textures


  • Fixed .cube LUT files not saved from the VFB


  • Fixed incorrect LPE contribution for coat and sheen with AlSurface


  • Fixed Debug shading – Isolate Selected not working with V-Ray Proxy
  • Fixed wrong bounding box for V-Ray Proxy in Preview mode
  • Fixed missing velocity from V-Ray Proxy with V-Ray subdivision

Chaos Cloud

  • Fixed failing Chaos Cloud submit when the option to export vrscene to separate files is enabled

Chaos Cosmos

  • Fixed wrong material assignment when drag-and-dropping V-Ray Decal assets from Chaos Cosmos
  • Fixed an issue with previewing textures for Chaos Cosmos assets in Maya 2024

Chaos Scatter

  • Fixed a crash with Chaos Scatter when density is mapped with VRayDirt
  • Fixed a crash with Chaos Scatter in V-Ray Standalone on Linux CentOS 7
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Chaos Scatter from sometimes loading on Linux


  • Fixed a crash when a user attribute with no value is exported to USD


V-Ray 6, update 1

Official release

Date – May 18, 2023

Build 6.10.00

New Features


  • Added support for Chaos Scatter
  • Added support for Maya 2024
  • Added support for Maya 2024 macOS universal builds for Apple Silicon and x86
  • Implemented a Bump To Glossiness model
  • Added light attenuation controls for custom decay
  • Added support for emissive materials in VRayLightSelect and VRayLightMix
  • Implemented Intel Open Path Guiding rendering with Light Cache (experimental)


  • Added system profiler mode for tracking scene export, geometry compilation, bitmap loading and other render and pre-render events


  • Implemented Compressed Textures
  • Added support for Clipper mesh mode
  • Initial support for RAW render elements in V-Ray GPU


  • Added support for MayaUSD 0.22 and 0.23
  • Added support for render settings in USD
  • Added support for VRayProxy in USD
  • Added support for ExtraTex render element in USD
  • Added support for V-Ray Object Properties in USD
  • Added support for Dome Camera in USD


  • Added masking support for the Lens Effects, Denoiser and Sharpen/Blur layers in the VFB
  • Light Mix render element can be added directly from the VFB layers tab
  • Denoiser render element can be added directly from the VFB layers tab

Chaos Cosmos

  • Added support for VRayEnmesh assets from Chaos Cosmos
  • Added support for VRayDecal assets from Chaos Cosmos


  • Added NVIDIA AI upscaling denoiser

Modified Features


  • Faster rendering and geometry compilation of hair
  • Faster mesh geometry compilation
  • Improved progressive caustics convergence
  • Added support for multiple VRayEnvironmentFog nodes as Environment Volumes
  • Аdded Affect Alpha option for VRayAerialPerspective and VRayEnvironmentFog
  • Added an option to delete the resumable file when resumed rendering completes successfully
  • Scripts for starting vrayserver from portable installation now auto-discover paths
  • Dropped support for Maya 2019


  • Added surface bump blend options


  • Animatable thickness parameters for thin film in VRayMtl
  • Gray out IOR control in the UI when Metalness is 1.0

V-Ray GPU, VRayMtl

  • Added support for the Uniform Illumination mode of VRayMtl translucency


  • Added new sky cloud options for clouds density, seed and contrails
  • Changed sky model default to “PRG Clear Sky” for new scenes


  • Faster loading time with Alembic
  • Ability to load a separate viewport preview file for the new V-Ray Proxy node


  • Generate Profiler reports as browser-agnostic HTML
  • Added an option to control the trace depth when profiling shading
  • Profiler now writes a fixed number of files and overwrites the oldest ones for easier file management
  • Added a button for showing the last profile


  • LightMix now works immediately in IPR even during Light Cache build and progressive undersampling


  • Textured Finite Dome viewport preview
  • Added soft min and max limits to Dome Tex A


  • Installer no longer modifies Maya MEL scripts

Bug Fixes


  • Execute Pre and Post Render MEL scripts in Viewport IPR. This allows rendering 3rd party plugins like Yeti in Viewport IPR.
  • Fixed artifacts with Adaptive Lights on Linux
  • Fixed EXR with just a red channel not rendering correctly
  • Fixed error “Extra attributes file not found”
  • Fixed renderable curves not working with Render Layers
  • Fixed a crash with VRayBerconNoise driving density of volume and displacement with UVW Explicit 2D
  • Fixed region render in IPR restarts the sampling
  • Fixed wrong Material Viewer render with ACEScg
  • Fixed Light Cache not working correctly with render regions in IPR
  • Fixed wrong source visibility when creating VRayEnmesh while IPR running
  • Fixed Enmesh Force Invisible Source not working in IPR with a moving source
  • Fixed animated V-Ray Perfect Sphere not animated in the viewport

Chaos Cosmos

  • Fixed a crash on Linux and macOS when importing materials
  • Fixed certain assets with multiple materials not importing correctly


  • Fixed crash when changing the renderer to V-Ray GPU in the Hypershade Material Viewer
  • Fixed memory leak with textures when rendering animation
  • Fixed include option in exclude/include lists for V-Ray Clipper in mesh mode not working
  • Fixed incorrect render with mapped VRayCarpaintMtl with zero Flake density and Compressed textures
  • Fixed stuck render when specific nodes are used for 2D displacement
  • Fixed Cryptomatte render element not working for objects behind glass
  • Fixed “CUDA error 700” when toggling the Volumetric Environment in GPU IPR
  • Fixed crash with some VRayScannedMtl materials
  • Fixed a crash and artifacts with NVlink when a V-Ray light is at 90 degrees to a matte surface
  • Fixed wrong render of dynamic geometry with VRayMultiSubTex in Random By Poly Shell mode
  • Fixed incorrect clipping of V-Ray lights with OOC when VRayClipper is set to Use Object Material
  • Fixed a freeze with GPU Light Cache when scrubbing the timeline in IPR with a specific scene
  • Fixed Reflect/Refract Affect All Channels not working with VRayBackground RE
  • Fixed a crash in IPR with Brute Force GI and refractive glossy VRayMtl when changing translucency modes
  • Fixed render difference with VRayMultiSubTex Random By Poly Shell and non-default motion blur geometry samples
  • Fixed missing UVs with motion blur and viewport subdivision
  • Fixed a crash when GPU rendering is aborted early
  • Fixed deforming dynamic geometry not updared in IPR
  • Fixed broken Cryptomatte masks for lights in V-Ray GPU


  • Fixed missing VRayPhysical camera extra attributes for invisible cameras


  • Fixed viewport preview for textures going through VRayColorCorrection


  • Fixed VRayDecal missing in reflections and refractions

VRayDecal, VRayScene

  • Fixed missing VRayDecal viewport gizmo when loaded from VRayScene nodes


  • Fixed VRayScene objects with frozen transformations are rendered as bounding boxes


  • Fixed missing viewport preview of VRayClipper when loaded from VRayScene nodes


  • Fixed VRayDirt “Ignore Self Occlusion” not working


  • Fixed wrong viewport visibility when proxies are part of render setup collections in Maya 2023.2


  • Fixes wrong render when the reflection glossiness is 1


  • Fixed node name not incremented for duplicated VRayVolumeGrid nodes


  • Fixed excessive memory used for exporting XGen groomable splines
  • Fixed temporal instability with VRayHairNextMtl Glint and XGen hair


  • Fixed the Light Path Expressions presets for reflection, refraction and SSS


  • Fixed installer not uninstalling environment variables on macOS
  • Stopped creating Maya.env files on macOS which duplicates envrionment variable storage

V-Ray 6, hotfix 1

Official release

Date – Dec 07, 2022

Build 6.00.03

New features


  • Added support for profiler full mode for full ray path profiling;

Material importer

  • Added VRayMultiSubTex support in importer;


  • Added support for MayaUSD 0.20;
  • Added support for V-Ray user attributes in USD;

Modified features


  • CPU IPR should read the mtl_maxdepth settings;
  • Profiler performance improvements;
  • Added new version notification in VFB;

Viewport 2.0

  • Higher viewport resolution of VRayDomeLight when texture goes through intermediate nodes;
  • VRayDomeLight viewport resolution will be affected by viewport quality presets in the V-Ray settings;


  • GPU support for Affect All Channels;


  • Improved Alembic render times;

Bug fixes


  • Fixed crash when rendering Coat Render Elements in USD scene;
  • Fixed crash when rendering USD files with missing varname input;


  • Fixed slowdown in specific scene from V-Ray Next;
  • Mask render elements do not appear through refraction even when the refract_affect_alpha = 2 for the material;
  • Sun disk from VRaySky environment map is rotated with VRayLight dome’s texture;
  • Incorrect Diffuse filter render element when All channels option is selected under Affect Channels.;


  • Fixed low CPU utilization with Intel Alder Lake CPUs on Windows 11;
  • Fixed crash when changing Engine on denoiser;
  • Decreasing the Start Width for renderable curves is not detected in IPR;
  • Missing Maya native 3d procedural textures when selecting a texture for the ExtraTex RE;
  • Changing Input texture correction does not grey out the Texture input gamma for Linear or RGB;
  • Inconsistent behavior of Texture input gamma option with applied texture;


  • Fixed module file for MacOS -unpackInstall installation;
  • Wrong installation layout after unpacking for portable install on macOS;
  • Fixed VRAY_OSL_PATH not being set by installer;


  • USD Camera read with incorrect transform;
  • Stray UsdUVTexture when exporting materials to USD;
  • Wrong value of Angle of View for Physical camera in USD scenes;
  • Invalid handling of instanced non geometry primitives;


  • Fixed crash with alembic when hair width multiplier is not 1;
  • Crash when importing proxy with full geometry mode;
  • Fixed slow geometry compilation with hundreds of proxy files referencing the same vrmesh file;


  • Fixed light mix light selection not working in IPR;
  • Show “Save RGB primaries conversion to image” only for sRGB Display Correction;
  • VFB color corrections in unsaved scene not baked in batch rendering output;


  • IPR doesn’t detect changes to texture extra attributes;

V-Ray, USD, VRayScene

  • Disable render elements from mayaUsdProxyShape;

V-Ray GPU/VRayFur

  • V-Ray GPU not finding the correct UV channel;


  • VRayDecal shouldn’t project on objects with vrayLightMeshProperties or VRayLightMtl;

VRayProxy/Viewport 2.0

  • Fixed high VRAM usage in the viewport with textured view disabled;


  • V-Ray Decal Inconsistent Behavior when imported as a vrscene;


  • Artifacts with Toon and ToonMtl;


  • Incorrect VRayToonMtl shadow blend;
  • VRayMtl2Sided’s Translucency does not work with VRayToonMtls;


  • Wrong render of USD file with triplanar texture;

V-Ray 6

Official Release

Date – Aug 31, 2022

Build 6.00.02

New features


  • Added VRayEnmesh for efficient procedural geometry tiling
  • Added NoiseLevel render element
  • Added RenderTime render element
  • Add Metalness render element
  • Implement optimized auto-bump mode for displaced meshes

V-Ray Sun

  • Clouds for the V-Ray sky

V-Ray Profiler

  • Added V-Ray Profiler v1 for profiling materials, layered materials and heavy textures
  • Added -profilerMode option to profile scenes with V-Ray standalone


  • Finite radius for the dome light with option for ground projection


  • New SSS translucency illumination mode in VRayMtl
  • Added a Thin Film layer in VRayMtl with easy thickness controls
  • Energy compensation option for the GTR BRDF


  • VRayDecal displacement support


  • Added the Chaos Cloud Collaboration service
V-Ray, V-Ray GPU
  • Added V-Ray Perfect Sphere


  • Ability to combine randomization options in VRayMultiSubTex
  • Added “by user ID” random option in VRayMultiSubTex


  • Light cache support option for IPR


  • New GPU device selection tool


  • Support for VDB shaders in USD
  • Add support for MayaUSD versions up to 0.19

Chaos Cloud

  • Non-blocking Cloud export in the background (Windows only)


  • Faster light shading in fog
  • Faster textured fog with probabilistic shading option


  • Added support for light depth sampling in the volume grid
  • Phase Function control in Ray-Traced Scattering mode for the Smoke Color allowing to render realistic clouds with V-Ray CPU
  • Velocity and Normals render elements in Volumetric mode with V-Ray 6 CPU
  • Cryptomatte and Multimatte render elements in Volumetric mode with V-Ray 6 CPU
  •  New "Volume Motion Blur" option allowing to choose between Ray-traced and Grid-based methods - the Grid-based method creates more visible streaks for fast moving fluids

Modified Features


  • -unpackInstall option to produce portable installation instead of separate zipped install
  • Added all V-Ray for Maya environment variables to the module file for easier portable install deployment
  • Changed default installation paths to be outside the Maya folder, matching portable install folder structure
  • Use online changelog
  • Embeded the Chaos Unified Login
  • Stop downloading the material library from the installation
  • Use dedicated icon for VRayProxy in the Outliner

Chaos Cosmos

  • Added support for Cosmos procedural materials and Cosmos-based material library

VRayMtl, Viewport 2.0

  • Viewport quality presets for VRayMtl
  • Add support for the V-Ray 6 VRayMtl features in the Viewport 2.0 shader
  • Support for Normal and bump maps with V-Ray materials in Viewport 2.0


  • Added a new Samples Limit quality control that replaces the min and max subdivs for GPU
  • Auto-upgrade old scenes to the new Samples Limit control
  • Synchronize CPU bucket settings with the new samples limit GPU settings
  • New Device Selection options
  • Moved the RTX engine selection to the new Device Selection options
  • Add denoising options and per-device low thread priority in the GPU device select
  • Exposed the Global Material Overrides for V-Ray GPU
  • Improved the Trace Depth workflow
  • Support for “Affected by” in VRayDirt
  • Implement auto bump mapping for smoothed and displaced meshes
  • Autovoxelize dynamic geometry in V-Ray GPU


  • Optimize memory consumption by not subdividing objects that are far away from the camera
  • Redesigned the V-Ray Shelf and Material icons
  • Added a Shadow Catcher functionality to the V-Ray shelf
  • Added a search filter in the list of available render elements
  • Added an option to always write the frame number to the output file even for still images
  • Allow vfbControl MEL command in batch mode
  • Ability to prevent proxy import when drag-and-dropping in Maya through VRAY_DISABLE_DRAG_DROP_FILEEXT envvar
  • Use float controls for the explicit displacement bounds values
  • Added a C++ API for exporting simple parameters for third party translators
  • The VRAY_FOR_MAYA_SHADERS environment variable can now be used by third-party devs to point to additional extra attribute txt files
  • Add fit aspect ratio to material/bitmap functionality for VRayDecal


  • Added support for dynamic USD plugins
  • Improved USD material importer UI
  • Export VRayMtl as V-Ray material and USD Preview Surface
  • Improve error handling and add help to the vrayExportUsdMaterials command
  • Assume -chaser “vray” flag when using mayaUSDImport command


  • Added a Soap Bubble material preset
  • Hide the double-sided option in VRayMtl

Material Importer

  • Add VRayMultiSubTex support in importer
  • Add native support for MtlGLSL in importer


  • Added a “Show in folder” option to the VFB History context menu
  • Added functionality to select lights in LightMix
  • Better visibility of the A|B line in the VFB
  • Add menu items for enabling/disabling history and layers
  • Mark the scene dirty when making changes to layer compositing in VFB2


  • Added options to include the Rest channel when saving to file and to Denoise the Light Mix


  • Expose temporal mode option for NVIDIA denoiser

V-Ray ExtraTex

  • Added a custom background color option in VRayExtraTex render element


  • IPR should stop sampling after reaching the noise threshold


  • Аdded an Affect Alpha option for VRayEnvironmentFog

VRayMtl, VRayBumpMtl

  • Hide Local space bump map mode for BRDFBump and BRDFVRayMtl


  • Restored the Ray Distance options for the Dome light


  • Added VRayTriplanar option to use displaced surfaces


  • Support OSL camera shaders


  • Allow direct cloud submit with no project selected


  • Animatable VRayDecal parameters


  • Correctly apply proxy material overrides in the viewport
  • Limit number of faces per voxel to a sensible number


  • Enable parallel XGen export

Viewport IPR

  • Rename Viewport HUD label from VRayRT to VRay IPR


  • Sped up rendering of grid volumes with up to 25% when Fully Visible Fire or Volume Light Cache is used
  • VRayVolumeGrid: Sped up rendering of grid volumes with up to 10% when the RGB channel was used

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a crash on macOS Monterey caused by exceeding the OS max file handle limit
  • Fixed old scenes randomly using OCIO Display correction when rendered in batch
  • Wrong viewport preview for TX textures from Cosmos on macOS
  • Fixed memory tracking results discrepancy for “Texman” and “Tiled bitmap”
  • Wrong font on installer on MacOS
  • VRayTexOCIO Maya node crashes when used with Maya software renderer
  • VFB2 OCIO display corrections not synced with Maya in batch
  • Reflections computed in fully diffuse VRayMtl materials
  • Time reported by the progress for “Compiling geometry” is incorrect in Standalone
  • Memory leak in TexLut
  • Memory leak when saving multichannel/multipart OpenEXR files
  • TexLut fails to read file on Linux when the path is specified with backslashes
  • BitmapBuffer: <frame0*> tag support
  • VFB2 OCIO display correction not found with Maya batch on Linux
  • Wrong vrscene lights export when combined with “Separate files” option
  • Print a message for unsupported Chaos Cosmos Browser for Maya 2019 on both Linux and macOS
  • Ray derivatives are not computed for perfect refractions
  • Incorrect reflection on objects with motion blur and vray subdivisions
  • Recalculating bloom/glare lens effects produces artefacts on Linux
  • Error when selecting “Lens File” Distortion type of V-Ray Physical camera in IPR
  • Standalone installation cropped UI on HighDPI MacOS
  • Standalone installation cannot start a distributed rendering server on macOS
  • Log typo in Estimated time remaining line


  • Fixed endless warnings for USD export material with UV linking
  • Importing V-Ray materials via mayaUSDImport does not work with MayaUSD 0.16
  • Invalid handling of instanced non geometry primitives
  • Show the warning for unsupported USD versions during render
  • Physical camera from USD scenes are imported with Depth of Field enabled
  • Mismatch with displacement in Houdini
  • Correctly export VRayMtl bump type as integer USD attribute
  • Importing USD scenes with usdPreviewSurface material is rendering wrong
  • Crash when rendering VRayMtlGLSL in USD scene with GPU
  • USD scenes with textures are imported black in Viewport
  • Crash when importing USD scenes with the -shadingMode flag and USD 0.15
  • USD scenes with particles are imported wrong in Maya Viewport
  • Locked camera parameters when imported from USD
  • Crash when importing specific USD scene with bitmap
  • Crash when importing USD scene with VRayPhysicalCamera through MEL command
  • Transform mismatch with Skel USD file
  • Unsupported shader parameters in USD
  • Fixed USD with VDB in IPR crashing on transform

V-Ray, VRayTriplanar

  • Wrong Normals when object has Triplanar mapped displacement and is a Texture Reference Object


  • Clipped light geometry when ‘Clip lights geometry’ option is disabled and non-light geometry is in front of lights
  • Wrong VRayClipper material on clipped VRayLight objects when set to Use object material
  • VRayPhysicalCamera: Rendering on GPU with Depth of Field prints errors in the Log Window


  • Fixed XGen button label on high-DPI displays

Material Importer

  • Nodes connected to Thin Film attributes don’t get imported in Maya

USD, Material Importer

  • Specific Skel USD scene is not rendered


  • The persistent VFB setting to resize on resolution change does not persist
  • The VFB2 test resolution button isn’t reflecting the current resolution if it’s enabled when re-opening a scene
  • The VFB history option to copy the scene path also copies the project path


  • Fixed excessive memory usage and low performance with GPU Light Cache
  • Crash with Physical camera’s position constraint
  • Crash when rendering specific alembic particles file
  • Some threads never finish with low_gpu_thread_priority=1
  • VRayMtl with translucency is not rendered properly after resuming a render using RTX mode of V-Ray GPU and Light cache
  • Projections using Spherical camera are not rendered correctly with V-Ray GPU
  • Instanced textured VRayLights don’t share loaded textures
  • Difference in HairNextMtl on surface geometry between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU
  • Crash with GPU Light cache subdivisions set to 2000 and sample size >0.1
  • Scene with Light Cache crashes if run in parallel on Linux
  • Render time difference between V-Ray versions
  • Wrong render of VRayMultiSubTex on geometry with motion blur
  • Incorrect render with VRayEdgesTex on subdivided geometry
  • Out of core related crashes in V-Ray GPU
  • Crash with texture baking and geometry with displacement
  • Wrong fog color alpha results when refraction set to affect all channels
  • The alpha of a transparent VRayMaterial is not working correctly
  • Different alpha compared to the CPU and older V-Ray GPU versions
  • VrayLayeredTex not working with more than 6 inputs on GPU;


  • Crash when importing specific alembic with particles
  • Wrong UV linking with multiple UV sets in VRayProxy
  • Textures are not shown in the viewport on some Cosmos assets
  • Proxy2 frame transformations not reflected in Viewport 2.0 in Maya 2023


  • AppSDK shipped in V-Ray for Maya installation doesn’t work on Linux and macOS

Memory Tracking

  • Illegible symbols in memory tracking for Dynamic geometry on Linux


  • Differences between VRayMtl and stochastic flakes with reflection glossiness=1
  • Outline on objects with VRay Stochastic Flakes Mtl


  • Missing Color and Intensity in UI for lights created from PluginNode

VRayMtl, V-Ray GPU

  • Artifacts on specific scene with VRayMtl SSS translucency
  • Wrong render with SSS2

VRayProxy, Cryptomatte

  • Cryptomatte’s VRay user attribute ID type does not work with alembics in VRayProxy

VRayProxy, V-Ray GPU

  • The ‘Per instance materials’ options for alembics does not work properly in GPU


  • Diffuse artifacts with anisotropic reflections and sheen or diffuse roughness

Viewport 2.0, V-Ray GPU

  • Rendering artifacts with anisotropy reflections

Viewport 2.0, VRayPluginNodeMtl

  • Some Maya materials are imported black in Viewport


  • Standalone Vdenoise tool doesn’t work with multi-part .exr files

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