Aescript Stratify v1.2.3 Free Download

Aescript Stratify v1.2.3 Free Download

Ascend – Increase layer offset by one frame each click from the bottom layer to the topmost selected layer.

Descend – Increase layer offset by one frame each click from the topmost layer to the bottom selected layer.

Random – Randomly offset layers by entering the minimum and maximum number of frames the layers should be offset by.

Sequence – Sequence the layers in the order of selection.

CTRL/CMD:  Reverse the step direction. (supported modes – ascend, descend, and patterns).

SHIFT: Increment the offset by ten frames (supported modes – ascend, descend, and patterns).


ALT: Group the layers by label color, parent chains, and user-specified count (supported modes – ascend, descend, random, sequence).

The layer colors must be contiguous to be considered a group.

Label Groups

Offset layers according to selected parented chains. Only parents and children in the selection are considered for offset.

Parent Groups


User-specified numeric value for the size of each group.

Patterns:  Offsets are determined by the layer’s position in the comp. Currently, there are fourteen patterns to choose from. The layers will be offset by one frame for each click or ten frames while holding SHIFT. When using patterns, layers with the same relative position will have the same in-point. For example, when using “Right” all the layers with the same x-value will have the same in-point. Use ALT to ensure each layer has its own unique in-point.

Available Patterns: Right, Left, Up, Down, Inward X, Outward X, Inward Y, Outward Y, Lower Left to Upper Right, Upper left to Lower Right, Upper Right to Lower Left, Lower Right to Lower Left, Radial Out, Radial In


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